We’re having a problem with the pop-up wizard for authors to upload a new submission. After it shows 100% completed then it displays “HTTP Error” without any files uploaded as in the picture. This happens to every file I tried to upload.
Please advise solutions. Thank you!
Hm, i have the same problem but there is nothing in Apache error logs. In access log i get 500 (internal server error). Btw. my site is on HTTPS and OJS displays error as “HTTP error”. I’m not sure how to debug this. I tried opening direct upload link in a new window and this is what i get:
{“status”:false,“content”:“Missing or invalid component!”,“elementId”:“0”,“events”:null}
It’s interesting that in some journals this works fine. One thing to note is that recently i upgraded OJS from 2.4.8 to 3.1. Do u have some advice maybe? Thx.!
@orcalator, when you see a 500 error, something should definitely be logged in your Apache or PHP error logs (these may be the same file, depending on your server configuration, but possibly not).
@mmai, I don’t think your question is related to this thread – can you post your question with all relevant details as a new topic?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team