OJS3 doesn’t support HTML tags in article title as I learned. Unfortunately our authors and editors used them for years and now they want to get rid of them.
Is there an easy way to transform all the past titles into plain-text? We don’t want and aren’t able to republish the whole archive.
Yes, this is still an issue that is under discussion and is flagged for consideration for future development. Please see the post (and hte issue linked to it) here: Html mark up showing in paper titles
As for how to convert past titles to plain text - that would likely require making changes in the database. Approximately how many articles would you have? And, what specific version of OJS are you using (e.g. 3.3.0-6)?
we have 211 article titles and we uses OJS 3.3.0-7. I upgraded only 2 hours ago
To change the database would be a lot of work just for me and not the other guys …
Is it only one table to be changed in the database?
I’m looking forward to the OJS 3.4 release, hoping you’ll implement a solution
Kind regards
Thanks for the version info. And good point - I realize that this would be a hassle to change. I’ll ask some of my colleagues ideas for how you might best go about this.
I’ve consulted with a few of my colleagues, and unfortunately there is no easy way to do this, other than editing the title information in the SQL table manually, which would be done in publication_settings table. There is a bit of a mention of a strip tags utility here: How to make italics in article title in OJS 3 - #7 by ctgraham - although, it doesn’t go into detail as to how to implement it. And, you’d likely have to write your own command line script/tool to utilize it.