I did post this as part of a post on feature requests, however we also really need to know if there is a current solution to this problem, even if it is a workaround. So this isn’t a duplicate post - i.e. we think there needs to be both.
Editors (even the Editor in Chief) are locked out of the editorial workflow for an article if they are also assigned as reviewers (or assign themselves) on pieces they are handling. It seems that the Review assignment overrides the Editorial assignment completely, even after the review process is competed.
We occasionally have to assign an Editor to be a Reviewer as well for various reasons. On the old OJS 2.x, any user could choose how to view their stuff (e.g. as Editor, Reviewer, Author, etc.). In OJS 3, we can’t see how you can do this. If this isn’t an upgrade issue, is there anyone who can tell me how you can get round this? It’s causing us some headaches.