I recently upgraded to OJS and want use recaptcha on the registration form. In 2.2.4 we just enabled it in the config file.
I just need to know what step are needed to implement it and if I need reCaptcha v2.
Thanks for help in accomplishing this. OJS is a wonderful system improvement.
I have obtained my site and secret keys as well as two scripts. So that is done or at least I think.
I tried to enable recaptcha as follows. How can I implement this???
Thanks in advance! OJS is great!!! 
I placed these lines in config.TEMPLATE.inc.php
allow_url_fopen = on
recaptcha = on
;Public key for reCaptcha (see http://www.google.com/recaptcha)
;recaptcha_public_key = your_public_key
recaptcha_public_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
;Private key for reCaptcha (see http://www.google.com/recaptcha)
;recaptcha_private_key = your_private_key
recaptcha_private_key = yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
; Whether or not to use Captcha on user registration
captcha_on_register = on
I also commented out the captcha lines in config.inc.php
The bottom of the Register page does not show a recaptcha.

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Well I finally was able to get it working. 
Hopefully this will be valuable to other users as it worked for me.
I commented out the reCaptcha lines in config.TEMPLATE.inc.php and left allow_url_fopen set to on in that file.
I inserted the lines for reCaptcha (see above) in config.inc.php
Here is the bottom of the register page. I test it with a new user and unless the form is completely filled in one cannot proceed. Once these were filled in the reCapthca took me through a whole series of clicking on boxes before I finally was able to confirm that I was not a robot.