How to solve broken images attached to or in XML after updating from OJS version 3.3.19 to all versions in 3.4

We experiencing broken images in XML after upgrading from OJS version 3.3.19 to all 3.4 Versions. I understand that it could be due to changes in file handling scripts, paths, or database structure as a result of upgrade. Each image is uploaded as an dependent file in versions 3.3.x.
Any solutions or steps to troubleshoot and resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance.


Hi @obi,

I’ve investigated this locally and wasn’t able to replicate the problem. If you have a backup, and can replicate the problem, can you PM me with an anonymized database and steps to reproduce?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team


I am in the same situation and my follow-up thread is here: Broken images in XML after updating

Apparently no solution has been found. Regards

Hi all,

See also (with a proposed fix):

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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