Hi, im intent to show near to the name of my journals the coverimage of the latest issue from each one, in other words at the beggining of the OJS where display all the name of my journals, i would like to add the latest issue coverimage, not the Journal Image, because every issue has a especific cover of every journal. I tried with some code in the template/issue.tpl and in site.tpl but not working.
Please share the code changes you tried, and we can offer some guidance. You can post the changes to github, for paste them here. If you paste them here in the forum, be sure to begin and end the code blocks with three backticks so that it is formatted properly:
your code here.
Well in the /templates/index/site.tpl
I add this line:
I dont wanna show the journal image, i wanna put the latest issue cover image of each journal, example i have 10 Journals and each journal had volume, number (issue) and every new number or issue of a journal have a new cover image, what i want to do in the index of the OJS is to show every journal name with the latest issue coverimage of echa one.
what i saw is that in site.tpl iterate from=journals, but how can i made what i want possible if i know the journal-id, with this how get the Current issue coverimage??
Look at the page handler for the current issue as a starting point:
There you can see how to get the current issue via a journal id.
The _setupIssueTemplate()
function will show how to assign the cover page for an issue into the Smarty template.
Your assignments will need to live in the index page handler:
Nice, im gonna give a check out, thanks dude!