Someone knows some plugin, script, etc that allows to obtain the citations number that google scholar shows to show it in OJS? Maybe in the article page or in the table of content.
Thank you,
Someone knows some plugin, script, etc that allows to obtain the citations number that google scholar shows to show it in OJS? Maybe in the article page or in the table of content.
Thank you,
Hi @aotero,
When last I checked, Google didn’t expose that data in any machine-consumable way.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec
When Google Scholar show the results for an specific search, it shows the citation number, related articles, number of versions, how to cite, Save…for each result, if and specific article not have citations then google not show this number, but if exist at least one citation then it show that number.
The idea is how to obtain that number from the results of google scholar,…maybe from the article reading tools interaction with google scholar.
Hello @asmecher
Do google now provide the citations count for OJS? Are we having any plugin to get google scholar citation count for articles?
Also any idea on how to validate the references from google scholar, crossref and web of science. Do we have any plugin? I noticed this in various OJS sites. I noticed this in various sites.
No. Google’s Terms of Service ( do not allow to include citation counts:
“Don’t misuse our Services. For example, don’t interfere with our Services or try to access them using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide.”
Since there is no API for Google Scholar, you are not allowed to use or embed its content in your website.
Thank you @mpbraendle. What about the validation of references with google scholar. I saw in various publisher sites. Is it possible or google has restrictions for this as well.
I don’t think this is a validation, but a simple link back to the Google Scholar entry (usually with an identifier such as PMID or DOI). There is however no guarantee that the entry exists.
We do the same within our publication repository, see e.g. Rosuvastatin and cardiovascular events in patients undergoing hemodialysis - Zurich Open Repository and Archive (Google Scholar link in section “Citations”).
Also, there are other commercial (Scopus, Clarivate Web of Knowledge), semi-commercial (Dimensions) or non-commercial (Microsoft Academic) databases that provide well-documented and extensive APIs to get citation counts and other metadata. The problem with the commercial citation databases is, that every publisher needs to have a license to get access and an API key - for many publishers, this will not be affordable.
The easiest thing would be to implement the Dimensions citation batch into OJS by way of plugin or template that reads the DOI. MA would need more work, for Scopus and WoS I think it is not worth to start development.