Every registered author have a biography field in his account.
Also, every author filled in an article metadata has also a bio field.
How to show this bio in the public article view?
Every registered author have a biography field in his account.
Also, every author filled in an article metadata has also a bio field.
How to show this bio in the public article view?
Hi @pir
At the moment this is only possible if you use the “Author biography block” i.e. you have to move this block into a sidebar in the setup 5.6 Journal Layout. The authors’ biographies are then displayed in the sidebar on the article pages.
Hi @bozana,
Worked!, thanks!
The same question with ojs3.0. Is there a way to show an author’s bio?
Also, there seem to be no way to send an email to the author in ojs3.0.
Hi @Ph_We,
We’re still considering how much functionality to offer in this regard. My sense is that we can improve on OJS 2.x’s feature set by actually doing less – for example, by linking out to the author’s ORCID page rather than maintaining a local brag page. The ORCID page should have resources to allow contacting the author, if it’s permitted there. This makes more sense to me than supporting direct contact via OJS, considering for example that the author will have to set up their privacy details in OJS rather than relying on what’s already in ORCID. Does this make sense to you?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
It would definitely make sense, if we could ensure everyone has an ORCID.
For example, we have a whole bunch of journals awaiting to be transferred to OJS3. The archives may be quite large. Most of the authors have all the appropriate fields entered (bio, affiliation, email, etc.). But ORCID was not required, so most of the authors does not have it specified. And we cannot be sure each of them has it at all.
Anyway, there seem to be no element for ORCID in the native XML-import/export schema.
So I would really propose to make it an option: so we could choose either to show a separate page for each author (with bio, affiliation, ORCID, ‘send an email’ button, list of articles, etc.), or to show the ORCID page only.
Hi @Ph_We,
We’ll be working on various bits and pieces of the front-end interface that used to be called “reading tools” in OJS 2.x – I’m not sure whether we’ll present the author bio by default, but it’s possible. Watch this thread for some soon-to-come discussion of overriding specific front-end templates using theming tools e.g. to present a bit more specialized information if that’s desired.
The import/export issue has been filed in Github issue tracking – watch for progress over there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team