How to send second announcement of publication


We published a new issue and the announcement of publication seemed to work fine, but not all users were notified.
How can I send an announcement of publication a second time?
Is it possible to send the announcement to half of the list, and sent the announcement in two parts?

It is possible that the issue is a limitation that the college’s microsoft account sets on the number of outgoing messages in a single email and that our list is larger than that

We are using OJS

Thank you,

Hi @mel,

OJS doesn’t have a great depth of tools for sending announcements to users. There are a few github issues we’ve already created to enrich them, particularly around new issue publication, but more broadly I think there will always be a role for external tools that OJS can make use of – there are lots of fully-featured mass-mailing tools and it would be a mistake to try to duplicate that functionality within OJS. If you have particular needs you might consider exporting your user list from OJS (e.g. using the reporting tools) and using an outside tool to send the notifications.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you, Alec.

I will ask my IT for help and advice on which to use.

