When testing the ORCID plugin using sandbox ORCID API credentials, I added a sandbox ORCID iD to my OJS author profile as a test. Now, how do I remove the ORCID iD from my profile so that I can actually connect my real ORCID iD as opposed to my sandbox ORCID iD?
Hi @srabun,
This other forum topic seems to address your question: [OJS 3.1.4] Problem with ORCID
It looks like you will have to edit the ORCID ID directly in the database, or there are some further suggestions in this response you could try. I do not have the ORCID Profile plugin enabled on a test site where I can test these out.
If you have recommendations on how the plugin could be improved, please create a new issue in the plugin’s Github repository.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Amanda. I was able to figure it out. It would be great if this documentation could be added to other ORCID plugin documentation. I put together a doc outlining the steps with screenshots: How to remove an ORCID iD from an OJS author profile - Google Docs
Hi @srabun,
That was a lot easier than we thought! Was it the fact that you have to be logged in as an Administrator that made it hard to figure out initially?
Thanks for writing the instructions. PKP’s Documentation Interest Group will add them to the ORCID plugin guide. If there is anything else we should add to the Guide, please let me know.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
THanks @astevens - I do not have my own instance of OJS, I have been helping people at various US institutions set up the plugin on their OJS sites. In helping others do this, we have run across a number of different issues and questions around the ORCID plugin, which will ultimately need to be clarified and added to the plugin documentation. I have documented all of the issues/questions I have run into on this Google Doc (anyone with the link can comment): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vP5_GKKFsJ4FvhTgcwsI7yLqgB83CTX6OF7EiMhPCg8 - granted, I do not yet know if these are real issues that should be added to Github, or if there is just information that we are missing or if we are doing things wrong. Notice that the last point is a brainstorm list of things that need to be added to the documentation. I have shared this doc with colleagues at ORCID as well. If can all work together to clarify these issues and improve the documentation that would be great.
Thanks, @srabun. I will talk to the ORCID plugin developers and clarify the answers to these questions. Then we can figure out the best way to improve the documentation together.