My query is how to remove the Developed By block from the website running on OJS and not the from the Journal webpage as this could be done by editing Look section under the Setup.
Thanks in advance.
My query is how to remove the Developed By block from the website running on OJS and not the from the Journal webpage as this could be done by editing Look section under the Setup.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Sunil I was hoping to see the reply from someone else, but no body replied it.
Any ways I have done this by long time ago so I forgot where did I made changes, but when I saw your post I simply invented one new method (since I lost my last trick) .
Just remove the “DevelopedBy” block from your plugins → blocks folder and you are done.
Since you and I both are ojs users so yes we must say a “SORRY” to ojs team while doing so.
Alternately, Site level blocks are editable by directly changing the database. See Moving sidebar to right on OJS main/home pages - #6 by beghelli and
Hi all,
Note that deleting the plugin entirely will remove it from all journals, not just the site-wide homepage. Clinton’s link is the best solution.
We do our best to respond to questions quickly, but won’t always have a chance to reply e.g. over a weekend.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you @abraham.john as always:)
Thank you @ctgraham for the guidance.
Thank you @asmecher for your advice.