I am new to the system, and have created four new issues. They all show up in the “Active Submissions”.
But all as “Future Issues”. I want the first three to be archive issues, and the fourth to be the current Issue.
Online help systems say that there is a “Future Issues” page with a “publish Issue” button, but I see no such button on the “Issues/Future Issues” page.
The PKP page “Future Issues” says that there are options for this on the “Editor Home Page” - where is that?
(I am trying this logged in as Admin.)
Using OJS
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Hi, just click on the small triangle left to an issue title in “Future Issues”, then you will see a link “Publish Issue”.
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Very good - many thanks.
OMG – how simple and obvious! Thank you.
I had clicked most all other links on the page, missed this one. 
That makes an issue the Current issue, how do I make it a past issue, or overall control which is the current issue and what are past issues?
Thanks again.
(I do note that most of the online guides seem that I saw get this wrong.)
In OJS, the latest published issue is automatically set as the “Current Issue.” However, you can designate any issue as the “Current Issue” if you prefer.
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