I’m deploying an OJS site for an institution.
They already have another OJS with a single journal (say journal A), which needs to remain apart for corporate policies.
In the new OJS instance that I’m creating there will be an entry for that journal at the homepage level only, i.e, just listing, together with the rest of the institution’s journals.
Is there a way to redirect this journal (journal A) entry to its own already existing external OJS instance? Can this be done at a database level or could this be done some other way?
Create or edit a .htaccess file on root web folder of new OJS instance (Apache webserver = ./public_html) and add this lines
#Apache RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/index.php/journalA http://www.newurl.com/journalA [R=301,L]
This approach avoids tweak your OJS app or your database and it is easy to restore previous state, if anything goes wrong, just delete this two lines and everything will be back.
If your webserver is Nginx then you need to change your nginx.conf (and reload or restart it), but I advise to ask for a IT help, if you are not used to it. In summary you will need add a chunk of code (example bellow) inside your nginx.conf file: