Hello! I’m preparing to migrate back issues of a journal (from 2007 to 2019) into a hosted OJS3 instance, and hope someone has some insights into date formatting.
The journal I am migrating was published biannually as a fall and a spring issue, it does not have specific dates of publication recorded. So far it looks like OJS requires that articles include a publication date, and that it must be formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.
Is there any character that can be swapped into this formula for uncertain dates? I tried 'X, ‘u’, and ‘0’ (the first two from the EDTF standard) but they did not work. Thanks for any suggestions!
Hi @cm647,
OJS doesn’t currently support partial dates; it’s been discussed for future implementation here:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for the info, @asmecher