How to put google custom search Engine in custom block plugin?

I put the following codes from CSE as is, but no search box seen?

I am not familiar with tech. Probably there must be very simple.
Would you help please? Thanks in advance

OJS Version: (March 16, 2017 - 03:39 AM)

[quote=“birkok, post:1, topic:29631, full:true”]
I put the following codes from CSE as is, but no search box seen?

I am not familiar with tech. Probably there must be very simple.
Would you help please? Thanks in advance

OJS Version: (March 16, 2017 - 03:39 AM)

The content in the custom block plugin is probably sanitized and the script part is of course the problem there. See Differentiation of HTML-capable text blocks

I guess one way would be to allow the use of script tag, but that is not a good idea. The other option is to write a small block plugin for the google search. It is not a big job, if you take some existing block plugin as the starting point.

Hello Ajnyga,
I have examined developedBy and some other block plugin, but unfortunately it is impossible job for me to write a google search plugin. I have no programmer skill, didn’t understand anything. Is there any way I can copy or replace?