Hi there.
I’m using OJS and manually uploading the XML into CrossRef portal.
What I need to do and can’t see how is to add the DOI of each article inside the own article, as a footnote or something similar.
Could you please help me out with this?
I’ve looked all over the forum and didn’t find anything like it. Maybe it’s a very silly question, but this will help a lot.
Thanks in advance
Hi @antoniofelipe,
What formats are you publishing in? OJS doesn’t have any provision for automatically generating the galley files (which I think is what you’re proposing the DOI be added to), but depending on the format, I may be able to suggest some approaches. This will likely involve some coding.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher. Thank you very much for your quick reply.
I’m publishing in PDF only.
Coding isn’t a problem, but this is a very common request, I guess, to have the DOI inside the articles, there should be a default option inside the systems to do so.
Hi @antoniofelipe,
OJS itself doesn’t work with the publication files beyond storing and protecting them. If you wanted to add this yourself, start by looking at How to Add Headers, Footers, Watermarks and Stamps to PDF for tools that can interact with PDFs in this way. You might be interested in Open Typesetting Stack, an automatic document conversion tool we’re working on.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
OTS seems awesome! Thanks for sharing and for all your kind support.