How to publish the whole article on webpage

how to publish the whole article text on the webpage (instead od the abstract olny)? I saw OJS based journals publishing whole articles. I do not know how to configure OJS to publish whole articles.
Best regards

Hi @pgc,

Please first share which version of OJS are you using. Then, please post some links to such OJS journals to see exactly what you have in mind.

Regards, Primož

Hi @primozs,
I use OJS v. 3.1.1-4. I have been looking for such journals, I found some links posted below, but now I am not sure if they use OJS:
Anyway, is it possible to publish the whole article on the webpage? If yes, how?
Best regards

Hi @pgc,

Both links you have poster are not OJS based. But I got the point. What are you looking for is customization for OJS. You can find some posts about that searching this forum. But the most comprehensive guide is available here: PKP Theming Guide. You need some technicla knowledge (CSS, less, HTML,…).

If you are satisfied you can also try some already prepared themes. You can search this forum for more info about them and install them via installing a plugin (in the OJS administration menu).

Regards, Primož

Thank you @primozs, This will be more time-consuming, however. I hoped there is simplier way than creating own theme.