I have created Journal website using Xampp Tool but I am not able to understand how to move journal website local host to server (Linux).
This is more of a webserver administration question than an OJS question. It will depend widely on what kind of architecture you are moving to.
Minimally, you will need to move both the OJS files and the OJS database.
For example, if you have your own dedicated server, you’ll probably be moving the OJS files to /var/www/html and importing the database to a local mysql instance.
In a shared CPANEL environment, you would probably upload the files to your $HOME/public_html and your mysql access may be through phpmyadmin.
There are dozens of likely webserver configurations. You should inquire of your hosting provider for clarification on where to load your PHP files and database content.
Thank you for your response. the OJS journal have been uploaded on server and database also. the database credential have been define in the “config.inc.php” but it’s not working properly. can you assist me step wise what are the things to be changed in the “config.TEMPLATE.inc.php” and “config.inc.php”.
Did you remember to assign the database credentials in your database server when you loaded the database? This is usually not automatic. For example, in mysql:
GRANT ALL ON ojs_database.* TO ojs_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'ojs_password';
You will want to verify each setting in config.inc.php when moving from one host to another. In particular, pay attention to the sections which reference filesystem locations. For example:
These changes will be made in config.inc.php. The file config.TEMPLATE.inc.php is just for your reference.
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