Hello, i’m using OJS and I have a question, anyone knows a way to move an article that you have already published (or not) in one journal, to another journal in the same OJS installation? For example, if I have an article A in a Journal A, i want to move that article to a Journal B, how can I do this? (Maybe a plugin does it?)
Thanks for the reply, I was thinking in something that works the same way when you are in the editorial process of an article, the button where you can change the section of the journal you want to assign the article, maybe if would be possible to add a new option to change the journal you want to assign that article.
Your solution is not good enough because I need to move all the information related to the article between journals.
I’m trying to replicate what the change section button does in the Summary option of an article when is in Editing phase, but with the journal, I did this, but it doesn’t seem to work because I can’t list the available journals in the menu, look:
And this is the code for the change section button and for the change journal button i’m trying to create in the management.tpl file inside the \templates\sectionEditor\submission folder:
But like I said i’m just copying what the change section does, and it doesn’t show the journal’s list and probable won’t do anything if I press the button.
This will leave your database a tangle of inconsistent references. For example, the context_id column in submissions now refers to the wrong journal; the section_id in submissions now refers to a section in the wrong journal, etc. If you want to move content manually between journals, you’ll need to do quite a bit of exploring of the schema to make sure everything is consistent.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
There isn’t currently a toolset to make a complete move, but if you don’t mind losing the editorial history of the article (e.g. peer reviews), you can use the Native Import/Export Plugin to export from one journal and import into another.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I can’t give you a list, but if you use a tool like mysqldump with the --no-data option, you can extract a list of tables and columns.
If you want to change a submission from one journal to another, start from the submissions table and work outwards. For example, you’ll see that submissions refers to sections using the section_id column. In sections you’ll see a journal_id column. So you’ll either have to create a new entry in sections that refers to the right journal_id, or better yet, choose an existing entry in sections that already belongs to the new journal.
A few caveats:
article_id and submission_id are synonymous; “Submission” is the abstract term used in the PKP shared library used by both OJS and OMP, and “Article” is the OJS-specific form of the term.
Likewise, context_id and journal_id are synonymous.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am reviving this threat because I would like to move an article from one section to another. I gather from the previous messages of this thread that there used to be a tool/button in earlier OJS versions to move an article from one section to another. I have not been able to find any easy to do this in OJS 3 (I am using OJS
Could you please confirm this? Is there a way of moving an article to a different section without losing the editorial history?
Can you please post your message to a new post? This thread is quite old, and it is preferable to create a new post rather than adding on to other older ones - even if they are related. You can link to this post in your new post.