How to modify the main page?

I am working with ojs 3.1.2 and I would like to know how I can change the default home page without modifying the magazine pages created. Currently I have it installed in a demo place on my computer and then go to production

I thank you in advance for your answers and I am attaching a screen of what I want to modify

Hi @Luis1

How did you want to change it?


Hello @jnugent
I want to customize the main page that has the other magazines, such as changing the colors, placing a carousel of the magazines, among other things. thanks for the reply

Hi @Luis1

A lot of that can be done by looking at the Theming guide for OJS. The main page, with the full journal list, is part of the “Site”, and it can have its own theme installed in the Administration area. You can read about customizing that or (better) creating your own theme here:
