I’m looking to begin managing the entire application git but I’m a little inexperienced with how this might look. I’m familiar with Git-CLI but have mainly interfaced with a serverless architecture that pulls from a git repo rather than a PHP server environment. What cued this is that I’d like to begin tracking changes made to configuration and theme files in a granular way, rather than incrementally with backups. I’ll include a few questions below that I hope might be helpful to others in case someone has answers:
- What should .gitignore include in a typical OJS installation?
- What is a good workflow for pushing local changes to the server? In my case, I’m using a LAMP stack. Should I store everything in a remote like Github and then pull changes to my server? Or should I push changes directly to my server? Or should I make changes locally, then upload via FTP, using git for version control only? I’m curious on pros/cons if anyone has ideas.
- How would I pull updates via git from the main OJS repo when they’re released for upgrading?
Some of these questions may be too complicated for one post, I’m not sure. I would appreciate any advice offered. Perhaps git isn’t even the solution for what I’m trying to accomplish.