as a web designer & developer, How we can make provision for editors to view the list of pending activities on the single centralised page so that its easy to manage the task of today.
example: 1) display of articles list for which task is pending at editors end.
2) list of articles for which action was taken by other users roles like reviewers, authors etc.
3) searching of article based on time periods with provision to save the result.
im using ojs-2.4.8-1
I want, as a editor, when i write reviewer or author in search, it display the names of reviewers or authors. further, the manuscripts.
When i click on manuscripts, it displays their status.
like this, any other feature, I want which make the task of editor easy.
any ER Diagram or DFD will be appreciable.
plz help
Hi @sanjh,
We’ve made some major improvements in this regard in OJS 3.0 – rather than re-work this into OJS 2.4.x, I’d suggest having a look at OJS 3.0.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
that is fine. but as a web developer & designer how one can make the task of editor easy in ojs. for example, when we open any website portal, say, any information what the user needs, everything appears on single page such as provision of booking facility of railway tickets online & offers other services like checking reservation status, train routes etc.
the same we want for editor also in ojs, for instance, if editor in search option, writes ‘author’, then the list of names of authors should be displayed.
if I click on any author name, then the list of articles sent by that author should be displayed. further i click on a particular article, the status of that article should be displayed.
Similarly, we can do the same with reviewer also.
plz help with new ideas or any ER diagram or DFD.
Hi @sanjh,
For OJS 2.x there’s technical information in e.g. the OJS 2.x Technical Reference; we’re reworking our documentation for OJS 3.x and until that’s done the best resources will be in various places around the wiki.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
as a web designer, how the task of editor can be made there are 100 articles ‘in review’. on 20th article reviewer had given his review. now, this thing should be highlighted for an editor.
basicallly, what new features we can add for an editor(modifying search option in terms of unassigned, In Review) keeping apart previous OJS versions.
Hi @sanjh,
We’re unlikely to do any work along these lines in OJS 2.x – we’ve already put considerable effort into these directions in OJS 3.x and will continue to refine those. Doing the work in both branches would represent twice the effort. Of course, you’re welcome to work on this yourself any way you wish, but I’m not sure it’ll be worth the effort.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team