Hi everyone… i have a question to ask about OCS…How come to make the interface of OCS be more awesome??? and where can get the awesome template for customize OCS?? thank you…
Hi @azmawi,
We’re currently considering our future plans for OCS – in the meantime, I’d suggest Googling around for OCS installations to see what kinds of modifications have been done to change the presentation. It’s not a particularly modern platform with respect to theming, which is one of the things we’ve addressed with OJS 3.0 but haven’t done with OCS yet.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
May i ask for the ERD,DFD and CD of Open Conference Systems ??
Hi @azmawi,
We don’t have much formal documentation for OCS – the best place to look is in the “Documentation” area of the PKP website. In particular, the OJS Technical Reference ought to be helpful for OCS, even though it’s written for OJS – the concepts in OCS 2.x have direct parallels in OJS 2.x.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Can i know how to install OCS in XAMPP server??
Hi @azmawi,
The installation instructions should apply equally well on an XAMPP server. If you get stuck on something specific, feel free to post details here.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team