Your author information URL. See “browse by author” for a list of authors. (These correspond to author records, not user records, and are not very well disambiguated in OJS 2.4.x.)
Your “editorial team bio” page, e.g. http://[...]/index.php/[journalPath]/about/editorialTeamBio/[userId] (with [...], [journalPath] and [userId] replaced appropriately). This is not really intended as an author profile page, but could be used that way, I suppose.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
But when I am logged in I can not get a userid. I tried to check the html code for nearly every user site but never get a chance to get the userid.
Is it maybe coded in the cookie hash?
I thought there would be a hidden form field at the edit page with the userid, but no way.
And even I can find a “me” url like Facebook or pinterest offer: or forwards the user to the profile page.
@benno, have you written a plugin which provides a public profile by the internal user id? Could you change that to use the username instead? This will be more consistent with information which is exposed within the interface.
no, I have no plugin for that.
But since the public profile urls are existent there must be a way for the user to their userid and see or send the profile url to other students or friends…
I think this functionality has been long forgotten.
If you removed the check from the handler regarding the comments, you could expose this for any user. If you as as a user wanted to discover your own id, it is is possible, although it is not simple. To do this, login and upload a profile image. The profile image will be named with your user id at the end.
I’ve been mulling over security considerations in posting this. The worst case scenario I can come up with is that a malicious user could use their biography to attempt to use javascript or XSS to formulate unwanted content posing as a legitimate output of a trusted website. That risk is largely mitigated by the allowed_html filter in
In OJS 2.x comments must be enabled via the Reading Tools component:
Login → User Home → Journal Manager → Reading Tools → Reading Tools Options → Add comment.
Once comments are enabled, they can be disabled for particular sections:
Login → User Home → Journal Manager → Journal Sections → select a section → Disable reader comments for this section.
Profiles are only public if comments are enabled. Comments can only be enabled by a journal manager. This is done for the journal in the Reading Tools configuration here: