How to get Refbacks on articles

This article journal have refbacks on footer (pict 1), when I see my journal There are currently no refbacks on article (pict. 2). The question is are Refbacks is automatically without setting or add something link on configuration on somewhere?

note: my Referral Plugin option is enable.

System Information :

Picture 1
Prospek Indeks Tendensi Bisnis Jawa Timur Tahun 2009   Soegiri   Economics and Business Research Journal

Picture 2

Pengaruh Penyimpanan Atmosfer Termodifikasi  Modified Atmosphere Storage  MAS  terhadap Karakteristik Jamur Tiram Putih  Pleurotus ostreatus    Susilo   Agritech

Hi @andrewdion04,

after you have enabled the refbacks plugin the system registers the links to your articles after they have been clicked. But for them to show the author needs to publish them. So the author needs to login (or you, if you have the rights, can log in as the author), then needs to go to his author’s page and then he sees all the new rebacks and can publish them (or ignore them or delete them, if he chooses to do so).

I would recommed to make several exlusions, for example for search machines.

Kind regards

thank you so much for explanation.