Hi to All,
the editorial team of my journal would like to create a report about the number of articles that were declined and accepted in a given time. How can I generate it? My OJS version is 3.1.2-1.
Best regards
Hi to All,
the editorial team of my journal would like to create a report about the number of articles that were declined and accepted in a given time. How can I generate it? My OJS version is 3.1.2-1.
Best regards
Hi Dorota,
Please see our documentation on OJS’ reporting capabilities, in particular the section on decline/acceptance rate: Statistics
There might be some variation in reporting capabilities depending on what version of OJS you’re using. Please, when posting to the forum here, indicate your OJS version.
PKP Team
Hi Roger,
Thank you for this link and instruction. My OJS version is 3.1.2-1 so as far as I understand the documentation the statistics about accepted/declined articles is available from OJS 3.2+ version and to get them I should first upgrade my OJS?
Best regards
Hi @doridek,
Correct. You should upgrade to OJS 3.2 in order to take advantage of these features.
PKP Team
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