How to enable TinyMCE editor on references field

Hi all,

Making the references field TinyMCE-enabled would have a few downstream side-effects…

  • The CitationListTokenizerFilter, which is used to split the citation list into individual citations, would need to be updated to work with HTML code rather than plain-text. This will be hard to do comprehensively because of the many ways a list could be provided in HTML.
  • Anything using the complete list (currently the published article page) would need to be modified to pass the list through the strip_unsafe_html filter instead of the escape filter.
  • Anything using the individual citations (as opposed to the complete list) would need to be updated to behave well with HTML tags. Currently this means the Google Scholar plugin, the CrossRef reference linking plugin, the OJS API, and the published article page.

(There may be other affected plugins that I’m not aware of.)

The downsides currently outweigh the upsides for us, so we’ve chosen not to make that field TinyMCE-enabled.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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