How to display category wise journals - issues - articles on home page ?
What is flow of creating and display submission on home page under journal ?
Can any one describe step by step for submitting articles and displayed under journal ?
Hi @dipak.acharya,
I’m not sure I’m following your question; can you describe more specifically? Screenshots of what you intend might help.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I want to show Category wise Journals and under Journal I want to show Issues/Articles which are published?
I also want to know how to show issues under journal in home page ?
I am using ojs2.x
Hi @dipak.acharya,
You can show the contents of the current issue under the journal homepage by checking the “Add the table of contents for the current issue (if available)” checkbox under Journal Management, step 5.
You can enable browsing by categories under Site Administration, though I’m not sure if that’s specifically the same thing you’re looking for.
Beyond that, you’ll probably need to work with the OJS 2.x code.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Any plugin for showing articles on home page ?
Hi @dipak.acharya,
Do you mean the journal homepage, or the site homepage?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Site Homepage.
I want to display Categories → Journals → under each journals links to issues → which collapse articles under it.
Hi @dipak.acharya,
OJS doesn’t have a built-in feature to do this, and I’m not aware of any plugins. You’d need to do some coding to get OJS to present content this way.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team