How to disable e-mail templates


I need a suggestion. We are working for our editorial updates with OJS3, but at the moment we have not understood yet how to disable some e-mail templates. I attended the video-lessons but I could not find any topic about it.
May I ask you some information about this function? In the previous version of OJS there were some squares on the right side to able or disable templates. Now, I can’t find them in the new version. I think I can only reset all templates or add one or more templates. Just to clarify, in our mind we would not send all that e-mail to all users (now all the templates are enabled, indeed and we won’t that).

I hope you will be able ot help us.
In attachment you will find two screenshots: the first one refers to the latest version of OJS and the other one refers to the version used in the video lessons on PKP.

  • Application Version - e.g., OJS 3.1.2

Hi @aruggiero,

When you say latest version do you mean 3.3.0-6?

PKP Team