How to Config the SMTP server in OJS 3.3.0-11?

Dear Team,

I configure the Outlook email id SMTP function in OJS:-
The problem I am facing is that when I am giving the principal contact email ID same in then it is working fine. But When I using the different Email in principal contact then the smtp server is not working it is showing “SMTP Error: data not accepted.SMTP server error: DATA END command failed Detail: 5.2.252 SendAsDendAsDenied; not allowed to send as; STOREDRV.Submission.Exception:SendAsDeniedException.MapiExceptionSendAsDenied; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message [BeginDiagnosticData]Cannot submit message. 0.35250:C1320000, 1.36674:0A000000, 1.61250:00000000, 1.45378:02000000, 1.44866:39290000, 1.36674:0E 74:0E000000, 1.61250:00000000, 1.45378:3E290000, 1.44866:00020000, 16.55847:E6160000, 17.43559:0000000024020000000000000000000000000000”


It seems that your issue is related to some configuration in the servers instead an OJS setting. Please, check this thread where an user reports a similar error log to yours:
