How to config Cited-by - Crossref on OJS???
Hi @ddhung,
What version of OJS are you using? (Please include this information with your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We are using OJS
Hi @ddhung,
Can you describe what you’d like to do in more detail? For example, are you looking to present a list of items citing this article, based on CrossRef data?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @Alec Smecher
I would like to have the configuration as in the enclosed image, especially the circled content: the count citation of the article.
Hue University Journal of Science
Hi @ddhung,
I’m not familiar with any e.g. open-source plugin contributed back to the OJS community to accomplish this. It would take some coding, I think.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
any progress on this front. Now in OJS 3.1.2 this feature is added by submitting the references to Crossref on the back end.
Now crossref has enabled my account to retrieve the cited-by counts but how to implement/configure in OJS? Anyone have the idea please share?
I would be also thankful for comments!
Hi seisense,
I have developed a small set of programs that gets the citing articles from CrossRef and displays them with an article in OJS. See, for example: It is NOT an OJS plugin (I needed a quick solution and did not want to interfere with developments going on in this field).
My solution has 3 parts:
- a DIV and SCRIPT added to one of the template files in OJS3.
- a Javascript file stored on your server
- a Perl-script sitting in the CGI-BIN directory of a web-server.
If you want to use that, please, let me know ( and I will email you the programs and instructions.
Hi @gunthermaier
I’m also interested in the programs you developed for CrossRef Cited-by integration.
I’m thinking of developing an OJS plug-in for this longly awaited feature since the OJS 3 launch.
Would you be so kind to send me your programs?
Thanks in advance
Alle the best