OJS The “How to Cite” display for an article whose title includes quotation marks is not displaying correctly. Here’s how it looks in APA format (our default and what we use in our journal):
McKee, E. (2021). Where do “localphiles” shop? A mixed-methods case study of food-buying habits. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 10(2), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2021.102.023
It’s the same in every citation format in our list. I’ve copied and pasted the first quotation mark just in case I’d accidentally used a curly quote instead of straight. If I change it to a single quotation mark ( ’ ), it displays correctly. I’ve just checked previously published articles with double quotation marks, and their citation format has the same error. I never noticed it before so I think it’s a new bug.