Hey, I want to add more information about the reviews when the author select the reviews ( only information appears name, interest, and affiliation) I want to add like the university and nationality ,
and where I can find it on the source code which folder :)!
ojs 3

Hi @NoorShomal,
Can you please indicate which version of OJS you’re using?
PKP Team
Hey @rcgillis, version OJS 3.2.1-1
Thanks, @NoorShomal. I’m not sure the best way to go about modifying this specific page, but I’ll see if members of our Dev Team - or possibly some community members may wish to share their advice.
PKP Team
Hi @NoorShomal, it’s not possible to extend this without writing a significant customization. The reviewer assignments list is rendered with SelectReviewerItem component in our UI Library. To complete a customization like this, you would need to get the application’s source code and recompile the JavaScript. You can learn more about working with the source code in our Developer Documentation.
However, I’d strongly discourage you from editing the source files directly. You will need to reapply the change every time you update your application.
The affiliation details are where we expect the university to be put, so that should appear appear in the list if the reviewer has entered their affiliation. We don’t show nationality, though.
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