How to change the DOI URL to page url


The assigned DOI of a particular article has

As the doi is not indexed by crossref.

I want change the url of the doi to article page. I mean to update the link of the doi of a particular article.

How to do this?

Thank You

DOI is like a handle or a persistent URL but with “glam”.

It’s goal is just the one you described… get an ID/url that could redirect to a different url if the content change it’s ubication.

To do this with OJS you only need to reRegister your DOI to your agency (ie: CrossRef).
First be sure your OJS is now configured to assign the right DOIs.

Here you have a detailed explanation (tip: Is not the same ReAssign than Assign DOI)

After this, it’s time to reRegister your article’s DOI.
You can do it manually (upload an xml file to crossref) of you can let OJS do it in your behalf.
Detailed explanation here:

Not sure with other agecies but with CrossRef the update take less than a minute.
