How to assign DOI to articles of our new journal - please help

We are currently using PKP OJS (Public Knowledge Project’s Open Journal Systems, OJS for managing our journal. However, we are encountering some challenges with the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) process. On the left side of the OJS interface, there is a DOIs section. Unfortunately, we are not very familiar with this feature as we are still in the learning phase.

Due to issues with the submission system, we create galleys and PDFs separately and publish them once they have been accepted after peer review. This process bypasses the software’s (PKP) submission functionalities.

When it comes to assigning DOIs, we are uncertain about the correct procedure. We have been informed that after assigning a DOI, it must be placed at the bottom right corner of each page in the document. Afterward, the updated document should be re-uploaded with the DOI included. This step is where we are encountering difficulties, since we don’t have the DOI URL with our prefix and everything…Really stuck!

We already have an ISSN and are members of CrossRef, but navigating the DOI assignment and integration process remains challenging. Any guidance or assistance from those more experienced with PKP OJS and DOIs would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Best regards,

Hi @Arsim,

Yes, DOI management has changed in 3.4 (if you were using 3.3 previously). You might find that this video provides a detailed overview about how to assign DOIs:

Note that the first portion of the video is perhaps the most relevant.

PKP Team

I’ve been providing our editors with a small guide for DOI registration, particularly for generating a DOI prior to registering it so it can be used in the galley. You can find it here, perhaps it will help.