I have recently upgraded from OJS 2.4 to OJS 3.0 , The interface looks nice . But i cannot find any place where i can add keyword clouds on right side. I checked the side Management option but it didnt show the keyword cloud plugin option.
Also is there a way to manage the top menu bar from administration panel.
Moreover i need to put search box on right side with a login form.
Your help is really appreciated as i am not getting any solution since several days.
The keyword cloud plugin is still not migrated to OJS 3.0 so there is not keyword cloud possibility at the moment.
Also, you cannot adjust the top menu bar via UI – no such possibility yet.
What do you mean with “to put search box on right side with a login form”? Do you mean right to the “Login” link at the top of the page? – Maybe @NateWr could help, if there is any CSS trick/gymnastics for that
Yes I mean login form i.e username + password fields just like in the screenshot attached. Also the search form that is available on the top i want to move it to right side bar with some filters as per screenshot attached.
OJS 3.0.2
The keyword cloud plugin isn’t available for this version, and I’ve not seen updates on it, so could there be some guidelines on how to adapt it correctly? Haven’t looked at it in detail yet, but I have seen some other plugins.
I have tried to adapt the keyword cloud plugin. My version is not very beautifully coded, because I am not a developer, but it works.
However, after finishing it I realized it isn’t very helpful at the moment. The old keyword cloud plugin links to the search field for keywords, but that doesn’t exist anymore in OJS 3. As far as I can see there is no way to search for keywords.
@NateWr is writing a plugin for browsing keywords. Maybe then the keyword cloud plugin can be used if the keywords are linked to the browsing section. But I am not sure if this will work.
Yes, I’m currently working on browsing by section. I know we also get a lot of requests for browsing by author, and eventually hope to support browsing by subject and keyword. I can’t say when we’ll get these features implemented, though. You can follow progress on some of them here:
Thank you for your words and information. I’ve been following the work @NateWr has been developing about the browsing features, and I know in 3.1 a lot is improved and clearer but in a short term the upgrade to 3.1 is on hold.
Being this, @UBWolf is it possible for you to share a version of the keyword plugin or the main guideline to accomplish it?
I have to talk to our IT department, if and how I am able to share this code. I let you know once I know more
Edit: Our IT department is ok with it, but wants to make a few adjustments. We try to publish it at the end of the week or at the beginning of the next week.
Thank you and your team for the news and the willingness to share this feature!
I’ll be glad to see how it works and the possibilities it offers.
There is no rush so take your time, I can’t thank you enough for the gesture.
as promised here is the code for the keyword-cloudplugin. One major change from the original ist the missing cache - I am not sure why the original one had it. I talked with our IT department, but we all thought it wasn’t really necessary.
The keywords are linked to the search, but as I said, you can’t search for keywords. If you want to change it, you can remove the links in the block.tpl
Thank you for sharing!
I’ve tested it and it works great with the exat issues you described. It delivers what we were trying to achieve, even with the changes with the keywords fields from 2.4.8 to 3.0.x, but we’ll see what could be done. Thank you again!
Hi @UBWolf,
I am not an expert in programming (Although had written few plugins), but this line could cause a trouble if a journal has a big list of published articles:
I suggest to make actual DBResultRange object and put inside the method.
for example: $rangeInfo=new DBResultRange(20, 1);
Where 20 is the number of articles you want to retrieve from the database.
Then put it inside the method getPublishedArticlesByJournalId()
well, I am not a developer myself (just a bit playing around to understand how OJS 3 works - I am sure you have done much more than me in this regard ). I am happy to discuss these things, so I know what I can do better.
I am not sure if there really is a perfomance issue. I only have a test installation with some test journals to work with (there are still too many issues to upgrade our productive systems). So far I never had any trouble to get all articles displayed in my productive system, so I thought it wouldn’t be an issue.
But as I said, the original plugin worked different than mine, because the author created a cache file to store the keywords. I don’t know if this was done, because there were performance issues or just as a precaution. I wasn’t so happy with this solution, because it takes a few days to show new keywords on the journal sites. But I am also not sure, if I like your solution better. You would only retrieve the keywords of 20 articles - am I correct? In my opinion it wouldn’t represent the keywords in a right way. Some very important keywords, might not be displayed in a prominent manner or might not be displayed at all, just because they were accidentally not in the articles you retrieved.
What do you think?
I have to say I will gladly change the plugin if this helps performance, but I would like to wait with these changes until I have something to do with the keywords. As long as I cannot search for them or browse them, the plugin is pretty much useless.
20 is an optional number (any required number can be inserted). Supposing the journal has several thousands of articles, I don’t think it is needed to search keywords in all of them, isn’t it? I would prefer to limit database search whenever possible. But if the search within entire journal was made deliberately - that’s OK.
yes, I know it could be a higher number, but I still think it wouldn’t show the use of the keywords correctly.
I am thinking about creating a cache, but as long as I can refresh it whenever I want to I don’t see an additional benefit. Maybe (I am absolutely not sure) it would be possible to add settings with a possibility to refresh the cache. But even if that is possible it would mean huge changes (for example I cannot add settings to a block plugin, so I would need to change it to a generic plugin). I would like to wait with these changes until I know for sure there are performance issues and until the keyword cloud can be used for something other than just being fancy
But I’ll keep that in mind. We have at least one journal which will have thousands of articles in the next few years, so if there is trouble, we will experience it for sure.
Until then maybe there are some more ideas to solve this problem. I would be happy to hear them.