How to add google scholar button in articles

Describe the issue or problem
Want to add Goole Scholar button on article so user are easily access articles on google scholar also

Steps I took leading up to the issue
For example:
No idea how to do it

What application are you using?
For example, OJS 3.4.0-1

Additional information
Need this because cross reference plugin not support latest version

Hi @acspublisher,

Perhaps you could explain your use case in more detail (e.g. what you’re trying to have display on your site, and how you would expect it would interact with Google Scholar?)

PKP Team

like above image

Hi @acspublisher,

It looks like this can be done by creating a galley with a remote URL option, under Publication → Galleys:

PKP Team

Caveat: There is no guarantee that the article is indeed on Google Scholar or that the search as indicated in the example finds this article.

@mpbraendle, Fair point. I wanted to use an example where I could find that it existed in Google Scholar, so one would have to verify that first and put in the link manually. I can’t say I see a lot of value in doing this, but technically it is feasible.

Really appreciate for your help and its also work for me, but everytime in need to put manually for individual article its possible with any script so it will capture link automatically for every article for example given below for one article

For article -

Google scholar link need to caputure automatically for every article - Google Scholar

Hi @acspublisher,

I don’t know of any way to do this automatically through scripting or some other means, such as building a plugin. Others may have to comment if they have ideas for how this could be done in this manner.

PKP Team

Thanks for your help, It really helpful for all if anyone provide suggesion onto it

Scopus/Crossref plugin adds a Google Scholar link in article view. It works in OJS 3.3.014. You just need to activate “Enable Google Scholar” in settings.

Thanks jcardo, but currently this plugin not work on