One of them creates a new submission (co-authored by the Second) manually adding the Second User as Co-Author.
The Second user creates another individual submission.
When both submissions accepted and published, in ‘Browse by Author’ option the Second Author is shown Twice, though the real person is only one.
Whereas if the Co-Author, who is already a registered user, could be added as Co-Author from within the system and if she would make her submission after logging in then perhaps OJS database could recognize her as the same person.
OJS maintains separate lists of Users (who can log in and interact with the system) and Authors (who get credit for contributing to submissions). The points of interaction between these two lists are very limited – when creating a submission, for example, the first Author’s details are taken from the current User. But from that point on the concepts are separate.
This is done in order to maintain the integrity of the authorship record even though people change – for example, if a user shifts from one university to another, we need to maintain authorship records not reflecting that change. Earlier submissions still need to list the previous institution, not change to the new one.
In order to avoid duplicating entries in the “Browse By Author” listing, ensure that both Author records include the same first name, middle name, last name, affiliation, and country.
In the future we’ll be doing more disambiguation and linking between User and Author records with ORCIDs.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks a lot. It worked. We are now able to get rid of duplicate entries.
We are new to OJS and starting to learn things out there as we’ve just
published the very first issue of our journal. I was rather a bit rash to
put a question in the forum. I could/should have checked this beforehand.
Thank you particularly for your language and for the importance you gave to
my query. And please give a visit to Kairos,
our journal.