You’ll need to modify templates/frontend/components/primaryNavMenu.tpl (or the equivalent in whatever theme you’re using, or introduce your own child theme to override those templates). Currently menu modifications require working with templates, though we’ll add an easier facility for that in a future release.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I was wondering if you have added the easier facility you were referring to in your reply to display journal’s articles by category also.
We are currently using OJS 3.0 for one of our journals and are very interested in implementing this option for our readers.
Yes, recent releases of OJS support categories, which allow editors to group submissions into e.g. thematic areas. If you’re using OJS 3.0.x you’ll need to upgrade to see this feature.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
thanks for your prompt reply. Does this mean that once the manuscripts have been assigned to thematic area they can also be displayed as such on the publishing site? that is can they be browsed by thematic area once they are published?
Hi, again @asmecher
coming back to this inquiry of mine, it turns out that we currently have version 3.1.0. We do not seem to find this feature on this version. Is this option already built into this one or do we need to upgrade to the latest one?
Thanks a lot for your collaboration