How to access html file to edit a particular container

Hello, I am trying to edit my journal site unfortunately I cannot find the particular html file I am looking for. Kindly assist.
Here is the html file I need to access

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The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics

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ISSN: 1077-8926

Hi @Tinega,

I’d suggest starting with the OJS Technical Reference. OJS builds pages using Smarty templates.

I think you’ve tried to paste the source code for a complete page into your post – the forum software uses Markdown, so it’s tried to interpret your post. But in any case, rather than posting the entire page, it would be helpful to highlight just the are you want to change and what you want to do with it.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi asmecher,
I would like to access the ojs html page below in order to set items in the
container and main classes. Kindly assist any lead to the html file.

Hi @Tinega,

OJS uses Smarty templates for HTML markup. For OJS 2.x, the container div is generally coded in lib/pkp/templates/common/header.tpl.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team