How do I "trigger" ORCID plug-in to update metadata?

Problem: Mistakenly listed authors of an article in incorrect order. Need to update order of authors (first author/contact and second contributor) on the article that has been added to our upcoming issue in OJS, to be published next month. ORCID plug-in has already added the work the the authors’ ORCID pages. We run, I believe, OJS 3.2. Article is now in “Publication” phase and has been “Scheduled” to upcoming issue which will be published in about 6 weeks. Have tried multiple ways to update info in ORCID:

  1. Updated order of contributors in OJS
  2. Deleted authors, then re-added them and asked them to authorize their ORCID
  3. Unscheduled article from upcoming issue, then rescheduled

When previewing the article in OJS, all looks good. The problem just seems to be in sending the updated metadata to ORCID. Suggestions?