I’m having problems removing users registered in my OJS. When I remove a user, it disappears from users list (everything’s fine, so far), but then, if I try to log in with the “deleted” user, it still works. Then I found out that the user is never deleted from the database.
How do I solve this? I don’t want deleted users to be able to log in to my system. And sometimes, I have to perform tests on my website, so I have to delete and register the same user many times over, but I can’t do that because the user was never really deleted in the first place.
“Remove” unassigns all roles from the user’s account for that journal, but the user account remains in the system and may be associated with other journals. If you want to fully delete a user account, use the “Merge Users” tool.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’ve the same problem.
So, i have deleted an user from the sistem and now i cant see that user in the users’s list.
How can now merge the “phantom” user (deleted) now?
You haven’t specified which of our apps and what version you’re using – but generally, you can either use the command-line tool described above, or you can re-enroll the phantom user in some role (I’d suggest “author”) to get them to appear in the lists in order to use the UI-based “merge” tool.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thankz @asmecher,
the version of OJS is 3.0.2
the site is www.polarispsicoanalisi.it
I’ve found Ojs a great sistem for the purpose.
By the way I can’t enroll an user if I dont see him in the List of the users…
and i dont have the server on my own but along an hosting provider.
Meanwhile i’ll try to contact the Host provider for executing the command line program,
there are some alterntive procedures?
THE USER EMAIL ISSUE (for cancelled/merged users)
And when i’ve merged an user (e.g. johnsmith@provider.com) with user “Deleted users”(e.g. info@provider.eu) can I re-use the email “johnsmith@provider.com” for a new subscriber ?
Cause I’ve created the user for testing the subscribing and user registration procedure…
thankz a lot.
Ojs is very good (except for this issues above…)
On the Users list, hit the Search button and click the checkbox labeled “Include users with no roles in this journal”. This should allow you to interact with user accounts that you wouldn’t otherwise see. In fact, it shouldn’t be necessary to re-enroll these accounts before merging – you should be able to merge them directly from the listing once the checkbox is selected.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thankz @asmecher,
that’s right!
I’ve followed your instructions and i’ve solved the problem.
Re-activated the hidden user and merged with a pre-existented user.
If the “Remove” button doesn’t actually remove the user, what is it there for? Maybe it should be renamed to “unenroll,” (is that a word?) because that is super confusing and a really odd way to go about getting rid of a user.
But I was just making a suggestion or “feature request” rather. Why label something “remove” if it doesn’t actually remove but rather takes away privileges and hides. As I was trying to actually remove a user (like for real remove a user) I came across this and it was all rather confusing and seemed odd from a UX perspective, that’s all. In order to remove, you actually have to “merge!” Huh?
The terminology here is a little confusing. “Remove” refers to removing the user from the journal; as for “merge”, we shy away from the word “delete” because that has implications for dependent content e.g. submissions, etc.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, I have a request for an assistance. We are currently using OJS and we have thousands of spam users. How can we select and delete all these phantom users in one click?
Your help is going to be of great importance for us.