I’m migrating my existing journal to OJS, have installed the software, and have everything configured. Is there a way to import my content rather than using the full editorial workflow?
Yes, you can use the Quick Submit plugin, available in the Journal Manager’s Import/Export options, to quickly upload ready to publish galleys (PDFs, HTML, etc.) and the article metadata. See: http://pkp.sfu.ca/wiki/index.php/Importing_and_Exporting_Data#Using_the_Quick_Submit_Plugin
I have installed the latest version OJS 3.0.2
- I cannot find Quick Submit plugin, it is not supported anymore? It seems examples refer to version 2.
- I have to import about 1000 published articles. Could you please provide an example of XML file, which includes a reference to the issue number and page numbers.
Thank you.
The QuickSubmit plugin is available in the Plugin Gallery, which permits you to discover and install plugins into your system.
If you want to work with XML imports, then you might have a look at this sample.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team