We are a new publisher, using your Open Journal Systems (OJS, which is installed in a folder named “ojs”
After all the other processes (including paper review, copyediting) are done, we then upload the final PDF version to this system and have the papers published online.
Though we have just published a few issues so far, the OJS folder is now more than 500 M in size.
It is found that the same PDF file appear four times in the following folders:
I have one question, how can we set the OJS system so that the PDF file can appear only once in order to save space?
Unfortunately, OJS needs to maintain separate copies of the file in order to preserve the changes you’ve potentially made during the workflow process. The rationale behind this is that participants in the workflow will download and upload new copies of the document as it moves through each stage. There isn’t a way to share the file across all stages in the manner you describe.
That sounds correct. My suggestion would be to maybe use a smaller format document for the intial stages of the workflow, and save your high quality PDF for the galley. Is there a reason why you need such large files initially? Maybe things like supplemental files (images, etc) can be uploaded separately?
Is it ok if we delete the 3 files in the folders:
As all the initial work has been done (submission, review, copyediting etc), and it seems that only the PDF file at “galley” is needed, which is actually put in ojs/files/journals/1/articles/2/public/, I suppose.
The problem with deleting the files in the other folders is that you will not be able to return to those stages and download them if you want to review your work later on. In effect, you are removing your peer review process to some degree. If this is acceptable to you, then yes, you can delete the files and just use the public galley file in the end.
I would still suggest archiving the files offline in some capacity so you do still have them.