How can I visualize the .XML files?

Hi,I’m actually using ojs and one of the requierements is that I have to visualize the .xml files when I publish like the next video Subir Galeradas XML en OJS 3 - YouTube in the minute 1:31, I was searching about plugins that can help with the problem and it seems the best option is the elife lens article plugin but when I make the submission , I can only download the file.
Captura de Pantalla 2022-06-10 a la(s) 10.50.46 a.m.

Hi @Nicolas_Aguirre_Espi,

I’m not so sure about previewing it and whether the elife lens plugin would render it that way. Have you tried publishing it as a galley and seeing if it displays that way? You could even publish it temporarily to see how it displays.

PKP Team

Yes, I’m publishing it as galley

There is a plugin called embedGalley which converts JATS formatted XML to HTML.

You need to install the plugin and upload the XML files as galleys and it will appear below the abstract on article page.

See for example.

Best regards

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