How can I delete Incomplete submissions from the All Active tab?

Hi there,

I am attempting to clean up our Active submissions list by deleting “Incomplete” submissions. However, I am having trouble locating the option to remove them. I am only assigned as a Journal Manager and not a Section Editor which I read may interfere with the process.
Do these submissions have to go through all steps of the submission process to have the option to be deleted? I’m getting mixed answers from various forums and just wanted to reach out to see if there is a more straightforward way to accomplish this. I look forward to your advice.

Application Version - OJS

Hi @lgordon27

Are they “Active” (in the Active tab) or are they Incomplete (still in the process of being created by the author and not yet submitted to the journal?). In 3.3, if you want to clean up the Active tab you’ll need to assign an editor who needs to decline the submission, at which point it will end up in the Archived submissions tab where it can be deleted.

The mixed answers may come from the fact that you used to be able to delete submissions from the Active tab in OJS 3.2.


Hi there @jnugent

Thanks for getting back to me. The submissions we are trying to delete are under the Active tab but tagged as Incomplete. I will follow this workflow and get back to you if there are any further issues.
