Does anyone have any experience with how to add HIGHLIGHTS to the paper’s web page? Highlights are 3-5 lines (indents) with a short sentence in each line that provides quick information on the paper’s content.
Currently, there is no option to add it separately. Maybe, it can be included beneath the abstract (in the abstract section inside metadata) or as an additional pdf file, but this doesn’t seem to be the best solutions.
Any suggestions? Thank you. We are using OJS
I couldn’t talk much about details now, but could you check the options at Settings → Workflow → Metadata
A screenshot is attached
Currently, I don’t have a test installation, but if the metadata entered into the Subjects field is displayed on the “Article Details Page”, then you may use it.
Perhaps, you may try and find a variable, and modify it according to your needs.
I will be pleased if you share your solution here.
Thank you for the advice. Which version of OJS do you use? I have a bit different menu. However, I think this doesn’t solve the problem, because these text boxes (subjects, disciplines) are similar to keywords. You cannot add text in multiple lines. Maybe there is a way to add a new variable as you described, but I do not know how to do it. Probably such step has to be done by IT administrator…
best wishes!
Hi @rokci
This is OJS 3.2.1-1, the latest version. This version has brought many new features, but some plugins still waiting for an update to work.
I recommend waiting for a while before upgrading to this version, especially if it is a corporate or institutional journal portal.
There are some topics discussing similar subjects,
@asmecher I think that for the start simple feature (with the same properties as abstract frame) could be incorporated into metadata section. It could be named ‘highlights’ or ‘emphasized content’. I think highlights and graphic abstract are gaining attention… @drugurkocak thanks for the tip!
best wishes!
Hi everyone! @drugurkocak that’s a clever idea. However, we strongly discourage journals to use one kind of metadata field for another kind of data. Librarians and metadata depositing authorities get very upset when metadata fields are not respected. In other words, the subject field should contain subjects, the languages field should contain languages, and so on.
Starting from v3.2, OJS has made it much easier to write a small plugin to extend the data that is attached to a publication. It does require a little bit of coding, but it is not too difficult to do.
The Plugin Guide includes a section that describes how to extend the journal with a new setting. You can use the same code to extend the publication object by changing the hook from Schema::get::context to Schema::get::publication. And changing the form you modify, FORM_MASTHEAD, to FORM_TITLE_ABSTRACT.
With just those changes you’ll add a new field to the publication’s title/abstract form. And from there you can modify your theme to display this information wherever you’d like (or use the Templates::Article::Main hook to automatically print this information on the article landing page).
Hi @NateWr
I absolutely agree with you. I have experienced that going out of the standards always leads to bigger problems in the future.
And my experience with OJS is that, important features were always added someday after sufficient demand was made. Today, OJS is far beyond many commercial software.
Thank you and OJS team for your efforts.
Hi all and thanks for responses!
So, can we expect the implementation of the ‘highlights’ section in one of the updates? i agree that the OJS has become a very powerful tool!