Hi all,
I have hidden editors’ information from “Summary”, “Review” and “Editing” pages of the authors’ forms.
However, in the “Editor Decision” section of the “Review” page, there is the “Notify Editor” icon, which brings up an email form with editor’s full-name and email as the Recipient.
I do not want to disable this email template. Is there a way to hide the Recipient’s info?
I am using OJS 2.4.6
If you just want to hide the field and keep it functional, you might like to try hiding it using CSS:
[css_path_of_field] {
display: none;
To find the css path of that particular field, open the mail form in a browser like Firefox, right-click on it and select “Inspect Element”. This will open a source-code view where the HTML of your page is opened around that field. For the element(s) you want to hide, right-click them in this view and select “Copy Unique Selector/CSS Selector”. This string then goes where [css_path_of_field] is into your site’s css file, which can be uploaded in setup step 5.6.