Hide options from search drop-down menu in OJS

Hi everyone,

I’d like to hide the drop-down menu for the main search box in OJS

Currently, there are 5 options (All, Authors, Title, Abstract, Full Text) in that menu. My goal is to remove/hide the drop-down option and to have the “All” search functionality selected by default.

Can you share the steps on how to achieve this?

Thank you.

Well, This is maybe achieveable but, I would rather suggest to prepare yourself for upgrade to OJS 3.X branch which also have simpler search function.

Hi @vvucic,

Thanks for your answer. At this point, upgrade is not an option in my case.

I already tried with commenting out {html_options_translate options=$articleSearchByOptions} in header.tpl, but this actually breaks the search functionality.

I’ve just managed to hide it through CSS though.

Any further suggestions welcome.