Hi @priscila,
Tagging @Vitaliy so he sees your question.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @priscila
My JATS Parser Plugin and theme for it has no relation to the Lens Viewer that is pointed on the picture (with “loading article”). In case of my plugin article will be displayed under the abstract page.
I cannot say if result docx document is correct. Examples of docx styled for conversion can be seen here:
DOCX2JATS/article_english.docx at master · Vitaliy-1/DOCX2JATS · GitHub (press there download button)
This is how the result JATS XML should look like: DOCX2JATS/article_english.xml at master · Vitaliy-1/DOCX2JATS · GitHub
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Also my DOCX2JATS converter in not ideal. I am planning fully upgrade it next year. It works good only if one apply very strict standards inside docx. Put citation in Vacouver style, explicitly point titles of sections etc. If you want to use it, pay attention at examples of our docx files.
But JATS Parser Plugin is good enough for production use. So, if you would manage to create valid JATS XML, it will be displayed appropriately.
Also you need not only to activate theme, but also to change it in settings->website->appearance
In other case your article detail page would not display appropriately with the activated JATS Parser plugin.

gracias! Vitaliy, esto va bien!